Monthly Amazon Seller Central Update: What’s Changed?

Keeping up with the latest changes on Amazon Seller Central is essential for any seller looking to stay competitive and maximize their success on the platform. Each month, Amazon rolls out updates, new features, and policy changes that can have a significant impact on how you manage your business. In this article, we’ll break down the key updates for this month, explain how they affect you, and offer tips on how to adapt to these changes. Amazon Seller News

1. New Performance Dashboard Enhancements

What’s Changed: Amazon has updated the Seller Central Performance Dashboard, adding new metrics and visualizations to help sellers better monitor their account health and performance. The enhanced dashboard now includes more detailed insights into key areas such as order defect rates, policy violations, and customer feedback trends.

Impact on Sellers:

  • Better Monitoring: The new metrics allow sellers to get a clearer picture of their account performance, making it easier to identify potential issues before they escalate.
  • Proactive Management: With more detailed data at your fingertips, you can take proactive steps to address any areas of concern, helping to maintain a strong seller rating and avoid penalties.

What You Should Do:

  • Regularly Check the Dashboard: Make it a habit to review your Performance Dashboard frequently. Look for any new metrics that have been added and understand how they relate to your overall performance.
  • Address Issues Promptly: If the dashboard highlights any problems, such as a rising order defect rate or policy violation, take immediate action to resolve them. This could involve improving your product descriptions, enhancing customer service, or reviewing your shipping processes.

2. Updated Inventory Storage Fees for FBA Sellers

What’s Changed: Amazon has made adjustments to its Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) inventory storage fees, particularly for products stored in Amazon warehouses for longer periods. The changes include increases in long-term storage fees and new thresholds for excess inventory.

Impact on Sellers:

  • Cost Implications: Sellers who rely heavily on FBA and have products that move slowly may see an increase in storage costs, which can impact profitability.
  • Inventory Management: These changes make it more important than ever to manage your inventory efficiently, ensuring that products don’t sit in Amazon’s warehouses for too long.

What You Should Do:

  • Review Your Inventory Levels: Analyze your inventory to identify slow-moving products that could incur higher storage fees. Consider running promotions or discounts to move this inventory faster.
  • Optimize Replenishment: Use Amazon’s Inventory Planning tools to better forecast demand and replenish stock just in time, minimizing the amount of inventory stored long-term.

3. Changes to Amazon’s A-to-Z Guarantee Policy

What’s Changed: Amazon has made revisions to its A-to-Z Guarantee policy, which provides customers with protection for purchases made on the platform. The updates clarify the conditions under which customers can file claims and the process Amazon uses to resolve these disputes.

Impact on Sellers:

  • Increased Accountability: The clarified policy means sellers need to be more vigilant about order fulfillment and customer service to avoid disputes and potential claims.
  • Risk of Refunds: If a claim is filed and resolved in the customer’s favor, sellers may be responsible for refunding the purchase amount, which can impact profits.

What You Should Do:

  • Improve Order Accuracy: Double-check orders before they are shipped to ensure accuracy and reduce the likelihood of disputes.
  • Enhance Customer Communication: Keep customers informed throughout the buying process, especially if there are any delays or issues with their order. Prompt, clear communication can prevent many disputes from escalating to an A-to-Z claim.

4. Introduction of the New Brand Referral Bonus Program

What’s Changed: Amazon has introduced the Brand Referral Bonus Program, which rewards sellers for driving external traffic to Amazon through their own marketing efforts. Sellers can earn a percentage of the sales generated from these external referrals as a bonus, which is credited back to their account.

Impact on Sellers:

  • Incentivized Marketing: Sellers now have a financial incentive to invest in external marketing campaigns that drive traffic to their Amazon listings, potentially increasing sales and overall visibility.
  • Cost Savings: The bonus can offset some of the costs associated with Amazon’s selling fees, improving your margins on referred sales.

What You Should Do:

  • Leverage External Traffic: Consider using social media, email marketing, or pay-per-click advertising to drive traffic to your Amazon listings. Ensure your campaigns are targeted and optimized for the best results.
  • Track Performance: Use Amazon’s attribution tools to track the performance of your external marketing efforts and identify which channels are driving the most traffic and conversions.

5. Enhanced Seller Support and Training Resources

What’s Changed: Amazon has expanded its Seller University program and enhanced the support resources available to sellers. The new offerings include more detailed video tutorials, webinars, and guides covering various aspects of selling on Amazon, from setting up your store to advanced marketing techniques.

Impact on Sellers:

  • Improved Knowledge: The additional resources make it easier for sellers to stay informed about best practices and new features, helping them optimize their operations and strategies.
  • Accessible Support: Enhanced support options mean that sellers can get help more quickly and easily when they encounter issues or have questions about the platform.

What You Should Do:

  • Utilize Training Resources: Take advantage of the new Seller University content to upskill yourself and your team. Regularly review the latest videos and guides to stay updated on best practices.
  • Reach Out for Help: If you encounter any challenges, don’t hesitate to use the enhanced support options. Quick resolution of issues can save time and prevent small problems from becoming major setbacks.

6. New Features in Amazon Advertising Console

What’s Changed: Amazon has rolled out new features in the Advertising Console, including advanced targeting options, bulk operations, and more detailed reporting capabilities. These updates are designed to help sellers create more effective advertising campaigns and better manage their ad spend.

Impact on Sellers:

  • Improved Ad Performance: The new targeting options allow for more precise audience segmentation, potentially leading to higher conversion rates and a better return on ad spend.
  • Efficient Management: Bulk operations make it easier to manage large-scale campaigns, saving time and reducing the complexity of campaign management.

What You Should Do:

  • Experiment with Targeting: Explore the new targeting options to refine your campaigns and reach the most relevant audiences. Test different settings to see what drives the best results.
  • Optimize Campaigns: Use the detailed reporting tools to analyze the performance of your ads. Identify high-performing keywords and adjust your bids or budgets accordingly to maximize ROI.


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